Ottó Explainer: PLUG→CATA Redemption
Part 2: Exchanging your CATA Vouchers for CATA
Welcome to Part 2 of the Ottó PLUG → CATA explainer. This article will demonstrate how to exchange your CATAV (CATA Vouchers) for CATA Tokens. At the end of the 28-Day Period: The pool will mint CATA Tokens, where every 25 PLUG has 1 OTTO of purchasing power and CATA Vouchers will be distributed proportionally to all who contributed to the pool.
Exchanging your CATAV
After the 28-day period has ended the ‘PLUG Catalyst Redemption’ Tab will update allowing participants to redeem their Catalyst vouchers for CATA.
CATAV (CATA Vouchers) — These are fractionalized vouchers that can be exchanged in whole number increments for CATA at a 1:1 ratio.
Exchanging you CATAV
After choosing how many vouchers to redeem, you will be prompted to approve the action this will initiate a signature from your Ottó wallet that is attached to your account.
Transaction Success
You successfully redeemed your CATA tokens.
Redemption History
All CATAV Redemption history can be found on the PLUG Catalyst Redemption page.
If you have any questions, please log a support ticket in Ottó Blockchain Discord.
About Ottó Blockchain
Ottó Blockchain is the first KYC-compliant, Curated Smart Finance blockchain. Ottó Blockchain leverages NFT identity attestation, and Multichain functionality, vouching for you to service providers, custodians, and other market participants while allowing users to maintain privacy.
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