Ottó Onboarding: Wallet Binding Explainer
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Passing KYC and AML is an important step in the onboarding process. Once these steps are completed you will need to bind two wallets to your account.
The first of these wallets is an Ottó wallet that utilizes the polkadot extension. The second wallet is an Ethereum based wallet that uses the MetaMask extension. These wallets are required for your Ottó account to function. The Ethereum wallet is utilized to deposit and withdraw assets from a custodian as well as hold your Ottó Attestation NFT. The Ottó Wallet will receive multichain assets from the custodian and act as your wallet while you interact with Ottó blockhain.
Binding an Ottó wallet
To utilize Ottó native multichain assets, you will need an Ottó wallet. This Ottó wallet is added by installing the polkadot extension, the Ottó wallet is required to utilize the Ottó account interface.
Please use the polkadot extension below:
Please follow the below link for support on setting up a polkadot wallet.
Once the extension and wallet have been setup, please utilize the bind button on the screen and select the appropriate account.
Binding a Metamask wallet
Binding a MetaMask wallet is an important part of setting up your Ottó account. The initial binding of this Ethereum based wallet will allow you to:
- Deposit digital assets with a custodian.
- Withdraw digital assets from a custodian
- Hold an Ottó attestation NFT
MetaMask can be downloaded from the official site below:
The MetaMask website contains a number of resources to help you setup your MetaMask wallet.
Once the extension and wallet have been setup, please utilize the bind button on the Ottó screen and select the appropriate account.
About Ottó Blockchain
Ottó Blockchain is the first KYC-compliant, Curated Smart Finance blockchain. Ottó Blockchain leverages NFT identity attestation, and Multichain functionality, vouching for you to service providers, custodians, and other market participants while allowing users to maintain privacy.
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